英文名:《A Chinese E T Boy》拍摄时间:2009年出品公司:北京赵国强影视文化传播工作室制片地区:中国影片类型:儿童/西部/剧情电影《我是外星人》海报电影《我是外星人》海报制片人:赵国强编剧:蔚灵 谭华作曲:万建国特邀出演:水木年华、杨乐乐、莫慧兰陕北农村小男孩李天游出生以来从没见过妈妈,奶奶骗他是从月球来的,于是他认为自己是外星人,常常幻想和盼望能遇到飞碟,载他回月球找妈妈 当他看了神舟七号遨游太空的电视转播后,又迫切想成为一名宇航员飞上太空 80后城市女孩美音是某不靠谱摇滚乐队的艺人助理,热爱声音,喜欢录音,在一次乐队穿越黄土高原摇滚之旅的路途中,偶然听到天籁般的信天游,顿时开启了她尘封已久的心灵之窗 隐居荒漠植树防沙的传奇老人白马郎,身怀民歌绝技,原是受人景仰的战斗英雄,他一直在寻找一个可以传承信天游的声音 信天游的歌声仿佛一根神奇的红线,把三个原本毫无关系的人逐渐紧密联系到一起 美音找到歌声的主人了吗 白马郎找到传人了吗 天游最终飞上太空了吗 他找到妈妈了吗 追随着信天游的歌声,超越想象的梦想之旅拉开帷幕,妙趣横生的成长故事娓娓道来 Lee Tianyou is a little boy brought up in the Shaanxi rural area, having never seen his mother His grandma lied to him that he was an E T boy brought to Earth from the Moon, which convinced him that he really was from the outer space and made him dreaming to take on a spaceship some day, get back to the Moon and reunite with his mother When watching the Shenzhou VII Spaceship sent up into space, he determined to be an astronaut Mei Yin is a metro girl and an artist assistant for a weird rock band She loves sounds and recording them She heard the heavenly Xintianyou folk songs during a road show on the Loess Plateau She was greatly inspired at once Mr White Horse is a recluse occupied in planting trees to combat desertification turns out a legendary patriotic hero and folk song super singer He is looking for someone younger to hand down the precious folk song art 电影《我是外星人》剧照2电影《我是外星人》剧照2The tone of Xintianyou folk song is like a magic bond connecting the three strangers Has Mei Yin found the owner of the heavenly voice? Has Mr White Horse found the apprentice he trust? Has Lee Tianyou flown into space and reunited with his mother? Just follow the vivid folk song beyond your imagination, and you will see the wonderful story of evolution in minds 王筝:电影《我是外星人》剧照王筝:电影《我是外星人》剧照这是一部极其富有音乐与幻想色彩的儿童影片,通过乡村儿童、都市女青年、传奇民歌老人的邂逅,呈现他们不同的困境、同样的热爱与梦想,体现儿童与成人、乡村与都市、传统与现代的并置、冲撞、互补、融合,唤醒困顿的人生,展现纯净、自由、乐观的精神追求 (角色--扮演者)李天游---------郑昊艺我是外星人我是外星人美 音---------王 筝李大成---------赵梓均王小凤---------谢佳妮小不点---------李佳轩高 欢---------高世彬白马郎---------王向荣校 长---------姚永春我是外星人我是外星人水木年华组合杨乐乐吉 杰许晓峰莫慧兰监制---扈耀之美术指导---马三福录音师---李 涛混录:李涛 武为我是外星人我是外星人摄 影---曾 山灯光师---彭 康造型师---张 雅 丽作曲/音乐制作:万建国乐队:亚洲爱乐乐团首席:黄立杰片尾曲:《陕北娃》作词:陈晓涛演唱:银河少儿合唱团副导演---张英伟 张 弛我是外星人我是外星人场 记---陈 思制片主任---母 又 文翻译---张陨璧获第10届韩国青少年电影节“评委会特别奖”第2届中国22影展“最佳摄影奖”入选第7届圣地亚哥国际儿童电影节中国电影周播出时间播出平台2019年5月29日CCTV6电影频道